
Transfers From Fes Airport

Transfers From Fes Airport Arriving in the exotic and exciting Moroccan city of Fez doesn’t have to make your head spin for all the wrong reasons. There’ll be plenty of time for adventure, but make sure your arrival is as simple as it can be by pre-booking one of our convenient airport

Fez Guided Tour

Fez Guided Tour Tour Plan Discover the magic of Fez, witness the fascinating crafts and arts of the people, to witness the beautiful architecture and monuments…Pick up from your accommodation in FezEmbark on a sightseeing tour around FezStretch your legs in the Mellah (former Jewish

Things To See And Do In Fez

Things To See And Do In Fez The Borj Nord Like its southern counterpart across the valley, the fortress of Borj Nord, perched on the hillside overlooking Bab Boujeloud, was built in the late sixteenth century by the Saadians to control the Fassis rather than to defend them. Carefully maintained

Merinid Tombs

Merinid Tombs These 14th-century tombs are in a dramatic, advanced state of ruin. The real draw is the spectacular views over Fez and the mountains to the north. At dusk, locals gather to watch the lights come on and hear the muezzin’s prayer calls echo around the valley. A paved path leads


AL-QARAWIYYIN MOSQUE With a reputation for being one of the largest mosques in Africa and one of the world’s oldest universities, the Al-Qarawiyyin Mosque in Fez, Morocco, is simply one attraction that can’t be missed. This beautiful mosque, which dates back to the 9th century, is also a noted

The tanneries Chouwara

The tanneries Chouwara The largest of the medina’s several tanneries, Chouara is one of the city’s most iconic sights (and smells). Operating since at least the 16th century, the area was heavily renovated in 2016, but the scene, viewed from the surrounding balconies, remains remarkably

Medersa Bou Inania

Medersa Bou Inania If there is just one building you should seek out in Fez – or, not to put too fine a point on it, in Morocco – the Medersa Bou Inania should be it. The most elaborate, extravagant and beautiful of all Merenid monuments, immaculate after renovation, it comes close to perfection in

Fez Morocco History

Fez Morocco History Old Fes The oldest of Morocco’s four imperial capitals and the most complete medieval city of the Arab world, Fez stimulates all the senses: a barrage of haunting and beautiful sounds, infinite visual details and unfiltered odours. It has the French-built Ville Nouvelle of other